What You Should Know to Save Your Infant’s Life

by | Jan 15, 2018 | Healthcare

Did you know that a clear majority of parents in the United Kingdom do not know what to do if their baby is choking? In a survey that was done by the British Red Cross of parents it was found that three out of four of them had no idea what to do in such situations. That is why, if you are a first-time parent or a seasoned parent, you should take infant First Aid courses from Daisy First Aid. Not only will you know what to do, you will gain the confidence necessary to do what is needed in an emergency situation. Infants have a tendency to put everything into their mouths and babies who are teething are especially at risk for choking.

Learn How to Deal with Choking and Other Emergency Situations

Choking is not the only type of emergency that can arise for parents, grandparents and other caretakers. For an infant who is choking, swift action must be taken to clear its airway. Another situation that can be an emergency is if your infant receives a burn. Of course, you know what to do if the baby touches something hot with their finger, but what do you need to do if he or she receives a major burn? What steps should you take immediately after before you head to the A&E? Learning what to do in that circumstance can mean whether your child is scarred for life or becomes disabled in some way.

When you take a Daisy First Aid course, you will learn these important skills, as well as learning how to deal with a febrile seizure, what to do if they eat or swallow something they should not, and the signs of concussions and TBI’s. Book a home first aid party today or you can find where the classes are being held by checking the Daisy First Aid site.

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