A Basic Guide to Criminal Law in Glasgow

by | Oct 22, 2014 | Legal

Crimes always come with a consequence and if you or someone you know has committed a crime, you may need to contact a professional at criminal law in Glasgow. A solicitor will maintain the skills, qualifications and experience to provide representation in court should the case make it to a courtroom. By negotiating, drafting documents and advising the client about laws and legal issues relating to a case, the judge can decide what punishment, if any, the criminal faces. From paying fines to appealing a sentence, there are a few things to consider before delving into the world of criminal law.

Types of Criminal Law

In order to keep society under control, criminal and civil laws must be put into place by the government. This not only regulates the happenings associated with people living in a community but also, it offers peace of mind and reduces the chances of laws being broken. However, this is not to say that criminal law cases don’t occur, because laws are being violated all of the time. Solicitors who specialise in criminal law in Glasgow will deal with a wide range of cases, such as felony criminal law, which is the most serious type, misdemeanour, which can result in imprisonment, and infraction, which is sometimes not classified as an actual crime, but can result in jail time.

The Effects of Criminal Law

When you consult with a professional solicitor about criminal law in Glasgow, he or she will tell you that there are five main effects of these laws being broken. These are:

  • Retribution
  • Deterrence
  • Incapacitation
  • Restitution
  • Rehabilitation

The aim of these effects is to prevent the wrongdoer from committing a similar offence in future. The length of incapacitation and rehabilitation will vary, depending on what type of criminal law has been committed.

Hiring Professional Representation

No matter what case you are currently dealing with, professional representation will always work in your favour. When you have found a solicitor who is qualified and boasts positive client testimonials, you can rely on him or her to present evidence, provide representation in court, tell you what to say at the trial, and advise you whether you should or should not plead guilty. The solicitor may also encourage the judge to order rehabilitation, rather than jail time.

Theft, fraud, sexual offences, murder and all types of assault cases can be dealt with by the team of experienced solicitors at Matthew Berlow Criminal Lawyer. Visit website to know more about criminal law in Glasgow.

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