Solar Panels in Gloucester – How Do They Work?

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance, News

Most people have heard about the benefits of solar panels in Gloucester. These panels are specially crafted to absorb light particles from the sun. Through doing this, the panels are able to generate electricity for use in and around the home. Cheap and convenient, this renewable energy product is also known as a photovoltaic. If you want to lead an eco-conscious lifestyle, solar panel installation is a good place to start. Prior to purchasing polycrystalline, monocrystalline, amorphous silicon or hybrid panels, discover a little more about how they work.

Understanding The Photoelectric Effect

Solar panels in Gloucester are often referred to as photovoltaic solar panels. Also known as PV panels, they convert energy from the sun into electrical energy, which can be used to power appliances inside the home, such as lighting, television and central heating. The photoelectric effect is the term used to describe the process of materials producing a small electric current once they have been exposed to particles from the sun. First tested in the 1960s, solar panels are now relied on by 10 million homeowners throughout the United Kingdom.

Solar Cells and Their Importance

The importance of solar cells shouldn’t be ignored because these cells are actually the essence of solar panels in Gloucester. You will notice these small devices fixed onto the panels. They work by producing a large amount of power. A solar array is when lots of cells and panels are clustered together. Remember that the more panels you have fitted on your property, the more electricity and energy they will generate, making this a worthwhile choice for homeowners with large properties.

How Solar Cells Work

Two layers of silicon crystal are squeezed inside solar panels in Gloucester. Wafer-thin, these pieces of silicon crystal are treated to prevent too many electrons from working when the sunlight hits them. An electron is then required to make up for this space of unstable electrons, and this is when electricity starts being produced. A solar cell is comprised of the following parts:

  • Rear contact
  • P-type silicon
  • N-type silicon
  • Front contact
  • Anti-reflective coating
  • Glass coating

Once electricity is generated it will be direct current, or DC. Household electricity is alternative current, also known as AC. An inverter is an essential component of a solar panel, because it converts the electricity into a suitable form. Visit website for more information.

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